Monday, March 2, 2009

Supermodel Heights

I went to Dr. Look for my 9 month check-up today and came through with flying colors. She says I am very determined, very busy, and noted how much I love my toys. She says I look great and am very healthy-but Mom knew that already. I am all ready to start adding meats, yogurt, cheese and egg yolks to my diet. Can't wait for that!

Unfortunately, I have taken some falls lately so I came to her very bruised up, but she said not to worry about that.
Here are my stats:
Height: 29"....95th percentile!
Weight: 20lbs, 3 oz.....75th percentile!
Head: 43.3 cm....30th percentile*

*What's up with that?!?

1 comment:

Amber said...

fun! Henry has his 9 mo. checkup tomorrow - it will be interesting to see how he compares!

Henry has been eating yogurt and cheese for a while now - they are his favorite foods!! Have fun!